Thunder Missing Scene

Okay, readers, I have NO IDEA what happened. I double-checked and the scene is in the final file and the e-book, but somehow got omitted in formatting the paperback and hardcover.

I cannot apologize enough, but here is the missing scene.

It is the start of page 145 paperback, and page 139 hardcover, Andrea’s perspective. The page starting She gripped, follows this scene.


One second, she had been on the verge of coming, the next, she was standing on shaky legs between Thunder’s bike and the wall with her underwear askew.

“Stay here and stay down,” Thunder ordered, and not in the sexy way.

Andy was clueless about what the hell was going on, but she nodded. Thunder reached into the saddlebag and grabbed what looked like a long-ass handgun and was stalking along the side of the building before she even blinked. She squatted down because that was all she could think to do.

That’s when she saw it, a silhouette sneaking down the alley. Thunder was keeping to the shadows of the building and gaining on the unknown figure.

A movement inside one of the garage bays caught her attention. It was moving toward the inside of the wall about where Thunder crept on the outside.

The door by Thunder burst open, knocking him to the ground. She heard two pops followed by a female moan and a male grunt. Andrea watched as the other shadow, the person who had been inside the garage, limped off down the alley.

Andy was frozen in place. The intruders were gone, but she still didn’t move. Thunder was lying in the same place moaning and cursing but not getting up. She was processing what happened when another sound from Thunder spurred her into gear.

Andy kicked off her heels and sprinted down the alleyway to where Thunder lay. The gravel digging into her feet didn’t slow her down. Something told her to keep moving. When she got to his side, she dropped to her knees. The gravel bit into the tender flesh. It wasn’t the sharp edges that she noted, no; it was that the gravel was warm and sticky. . .wet.

“Thunder, what’s wrong? What happened?” She touched his arms and chest. Searching. His torso was bare except his cut. Her hands came back warm and sticky, and wet like the gravel. “Oh my God, you’re bleeding. Where are you bleeding from? How? Why? Who were those people? Thunder—”

“Babe?” His voice was weak and laced with pain. His fingers brushed her cheek. “Breathe. Calm down. It’s going to be fine. Focus.”

Thunder was hurt, but he was the one soothing her because she was freaking the fuck out. One shitty night aside, this was a good man lying on the ground bleeding. Andy reached deep to the place she used to suppress shit. Found that wall and locked it down.

A few deep breaths later, she was calm and could think clearly. It was the place she used when getting into the headspace to fight. Even for training, everything goes and only focus stays. “Okay, Thunder, what do you need me to do?”

“Damn, that’s sexy,” he growled. “The way you can do that. If I didn’t have a fucking hole in me—”

“Now it’s you who needs to focus.”

A pain-filled groan followed his chuckle. “Touche.”


(Now start the scene on the page starting She gripped.)